Since moving to Las Vegas, our family has become big fans of In N Out burger (come on, how can you not be a fan?). Well, we have this little antenna topper that looks like a soda cup from In N Out. It somehow ended up in the toy basket and Lucy has discovered it. She has just figured out how to drink out of a straw, and discovered this little cup. She doesn't just play with it, she carries it around and will take a sip every so often. She thinks there should be something in there for her to drink. It is quite hilarious and she is just so pleased with her little self. She is 10 months old and doing all sorts of fun things. She is officially crawling (no more army style), she is pulling herself up on things, she has her first two teeth (I am trying to get a picture, but her tongue is somewhat problematic), and she is enjoying new real people foods (she likes graham crackers, corn on the cob, chicken, and marshmallows). This is a fun stage and we are so glad to be a part of her new discoveries.
She is just parched