Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine cookies

We decided to decorate Valentine cookies for family night. It was quite the adventure. I gave each girl a bowl of frosting, a knife and a couple cookies to decorate. They turned out quite interesting. Annie's each had one little blob of frosting and about 25 pieces of candy that wouldn't stay on (due to the lack of frosting) she she would just eat them when they fell off. Leah actually did a pretty good job frosting hers and had pretty good control when adding the sprinkles and candies. All in all, it was pretty fun.

Leah going for the sprinkles

Yum, frosting!

Tasting her handiworkLucy during the decorating
Annie and her tiny blobs of frosting

Trying to cram as much candy on as possible
Brian supervising the sprinkles


Nancy Mc said...

Looks fun. Annie is so intense as she decorates hers. You are ahead of me. I am baking cookies as I blog this morning.

Alifinale said...

Mmmmm, makes me want some cookies. I love the decorating pics and Lucy hanging out on the floor.

Mical said...

That looks like fun. Gotta love Family Night!