Thursday, June 18, 2009

Panty Fairy

Sunday night, the panty fairy stopped by for a visit. She collected all the diapers and left Annie with 35 pairs of panties (how I accumulated 35 pairs I have no idea) flung about all over her room. Annie has done great with the transition. She goes running when she gets the urge and has been making it to the potty in time to do her business. She likes trying on different pairs of panties throughout the day, so she goes through 3 or 4 pair a day just so she can wear an Elmo pair, a princess pair, and a Hello Kitty pair (maybe this is why I had so many). When the panty fairy came to visit Leah, she didn't take the Pull-ups because for some reason I felt that Leah wasn't ready to wear the panties and stay dry through the night. Well, this time was different. I figured we might as well go for the gold, so the panty fairy not only took Annie's diapers , but Leah's nighttime Pull-ups as well. They both went to bed on Monday night wearing panties. I was a bit skeptical, but both woke up dry and have done so for three nights in a row. Brian told them if they woke up dry, he would bring them a surprise. He came through and got them a goldfish that they named Flo. Needless to say, I am one excited mom to have just one in diapers. Maybe we can arrange an earlier visit from the panty fairy for Lucy.:-)

Showing off her skivies (I told her to cover her nibbles)

What a big girl!


Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

I love the Panty Fairy. It is amazing what little kids can do! Good job on waking up dry too-that's a big accomplishment. Flo has a very fitting name for the situation!

Tiana said...

Wow! The panty fairy sounds like an awesome idea. I am going to store that one in my memory. Way to go gals for staying dry at night!

Nancy Mc said...

That panty fairy is SO smart. God job girls! Agree with Jen on Flo for the name.

Lauren said...

Great job Annie! That is very exciting! I need to try the panty fairy for my girls!

Kara said...

I've been dying to know how the panty fairy worked for Annie. Can't believe how well it works for you. I'm still a little skeptical about trying it with Nathan though. I am so impressed that she's staying dry all night too. That's amazing, congrats!!

Alifinale said...

Her nibbles....I love it! YAY on the awesome transition. Annie looks so cute in her panties.

Jodi and Dan said...

Ha ha, that is hilarious! I like the panty fairy idea, and I may have to borrow it someday.