Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good times

My mom, sister and brother-in-law came down and spent a couple of days with us. We had a great time. On Thursday, my mom got to come to my Micro lab (now you know the nerdiness is hereditary-just kidding mom). Friday we dyed Easter eggs and went to the Clark County Fair. Saturday we went to our ward Easter breakfast, did some shopping, and had lunch at In N Out. It was a short visit, but we crammed a lot in. My girls were especially sad to see them leave. Thanks again for the fun visit Mom/Grandma Joy, Carrie, and Brian!

Leah with her puprle egg

Annie working the red dye

Enjoying the fruits of their labors Annie just eats the yolks
All the colors
Lucy trying to catch her egg
Annie on the ride she got for free-yes, she got free stuff again. Brian and the girls were waiting in line for a ride. We notice that Annie is missing, so we start looking around where we were waiting and the man running the next ride over points to Annie sitting in this giant duck ready to go for a spin. He said that she looked lost, so he just put her on the ride. She was still holding the ticket in her hand that she was supposed to have used for the ride she should have gone on. Crazy girl! The ever classic Merry-go-round Annie getting her face painted like a cowThe ward Easter egg hunt

1 comment:

Mical said...

Holy Eggs!! I don't think that you colored quite enough. Sad we missed the fair. Always a fun time. :)