Tuesday, April 28, 2009

24 Hour Turn Around

There are some days where I just don't know where the time goes and I wish there were more hours in the day to accomplish all that I need to get done. Then there are times when I am quite amazed at what I can cram into a 24 hour period. Last week, I had a whirlwind of activities divided into 24 hour chunks. It was a crazy few days, but I was able to do a lot of things. On Wednesday afternoon, Lucy and I flew up to Utah to see my sister, Carrie, graduate with her LPN. It was a nice ceremony and it was fun to see my mom "pin" Carrie. We were there just over 24 hours when we flew home. Once I got home, I visited with Brian, Leah, and Annie for about 24 minutes and then I had to rush out and teach my lab. I came home crashed. The next morning, I had to pack suticases because the girls were going to Great's house and Brian and I were to be chaperones for Youth Conference. At 1:00 on Friday, I had to go and pick up one of the 15 passenger vans that would be used to transport youth up to St. George for their youth conference. I must admit that I loved driving that van. We had a good time, even though it rained. Late Saturday night, I drove the van home and finally got home at 1:00 in the morning! On Sunday we went to church, to a friends house for dinner, and then I went to the testimony meeting to conclude the youth conference. Needless to say, I was pretty tired when I got back and I was ready to bed down and rest from all the running around.

Lucy's first plane ride (she was sitting on the tray table)

The siblings plus one nurse
The dance at Youth Conference-are all kids so awkward at that age?
We went on a hike and there were four Book of Mormon characters that spoke. This is a picture of Enos.

1 comment:

Christi said...

That makes me tired just reading all that! I am glad that you had a good time and got to go see your family!