Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Golden Arches

I am somewhat embarrassed to share this little tidbit, but I think it is just too humorous to pass up. For those of you familiar with Annie and her passion for food, you will appreciate this. So yesterday my friend and I agreed to meet with our kids at McDonald's for lunch. As we approach the entrance to the parking lot, Annie recognizes where we are and actually raises her arms in the air and starts cheering (I must admit that this was not one of my proudest moment as a mom, but what do you do?). We go in and walk to the play area where I notice signs everywhere indicating that the play land is closed. There is no information to say when it will be open for business, so I let my friend know what is going on and we agree to meet at a different McDonald's. I start to head for the door and Annie has a complete meltdown. She is in hysterics and can not comprehend when I try to explain that we are just going to go to a different McDonald's. She cries the whole way to our new lunch location, and doesn't perk up until she sees the shining Golden Arches. There is no cheering this time, but she is beside herself with joy when we walk in and she realizes that this time she can stay and have lunch.

p.s. When it was time to leave, she wouldn't come down out of the play area, so I (at 6.5 months pregnant) had to hoist my body up into that grime pit and pull her out. It was quite an afternoon.
p.p.s. The word Mcdonald's is actually part of the spell check. How alarming is that??


Kara said...

I LOVE Annie! She is so cute and I think this little story is a crack-up! Nathan would probably do the same thing! I'm just laughing at the thought of her not wanting to leave and you having to drag her out of there!

Mical said...

Shoot! Had I known that I would have stuck around a sec and helped you out. Sorry! PS. love the "Microbiology Moment." Very you. :)

Bringhursts said...

I love that. Annie is adorable.