Sunday, July 13, 2008


So about a month ago, Leah was playing with some ribbon and happened to tie a bow around the ear of her stuffed rabbit. Brian thought I had been the one to tie it, but I hadn't. Leah undid the ribbon and showed us how she could tie a bow. Well, we were impressed with her new found skill, but she she hasn't done it again until yesterday. She comes in and shows me that she is wearing her sneakers and has tied both the bows by herself. What is that all about? Has the curriculum in Sunbeams switched to basic skills that include shoe tying and I was unaware? I assumed that the lesson in shoe tying would be this great bonding experience with the bunny going under the branch into the burrow, or whatever the story is. Obviously I have a Doogie Hooser on my hands. Hopefully Annie and I will be able to have the bunny/tying shoe experience.

1 comment:

Bringhursts said...

What the heck! I can't believe how smart she is. It's like talking to a teenager!