Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Binkie Fairy

Well, the time has come for Annie to bid farewell to her beloved binkie. For a long time she did really well and only used it for sleeping. However, as of late she has been asking for it more and more. seeing as how she is getting older, her usage should have been decreasing, but that was not the case, so action had to take place. I talked to her for a couple of days and told her that the binkie fairy was going to come and take her binkies and leave her a present. She was semi-excited at this prospect. Leah on the other hand was thrilled with the idea. Last night was the designated night for the fairy to visit. Annie gathered all her binkies and spent a little time with each one. She tried to hide on, but wasn't successful. When Brian put them in the container to leave out for the fairy, she flung herself into my arms and just sobbed. It was quite sad. She only cried for a few minutes before she finally fell asleep. At 5:45 this morning I hear her laying next to her door saying, "Bink, bink" over and over again. Aargh. Well, she managed to rest a bit more before we got up for the day. Leah showed her what the Binkie fairy had left and she seemed pretty happy with her stash. She is well on her way to kicking her little addiction for good.


Jenn said...

I think that is such a clever idea. I haven't had any problem with my boys kicking the binki habit, but I am worried about Liv. I just might have to try the binki fairy with her!

Christi said...

That is a great idea! I love little Anni!

Christi said...

Sorry Annie!

Alifinale said...

Oh Annie! Kickin' the binkies is a very hard thing but I am proud that she is doing alright. You and your brilliant fairy ideas.