Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big time stinging

My dad use to love to go to stores when they were having a good sale, take in a bunch of coupons and "sting 'em." He would drag us along, so that he could use multiple coupons. We would each have to take an item, the coupon, and then the money needed to pay. It was quite a process. Well, Ron would have been proud of me today. Poor Walgreens really got stung! Here is the breakdown of my sting operation:
Total money spent-$31.82
Total savings-$44.44
MFG coupons-$31.00
WAG coupons-$13.44
Walgreens was having a great sale and I had excellent coupons. I had to do three different transactions, but it was all worth it. If you can't tell from the picture I got three packs of Huggies diapers, a Gillete Fushion razor, 2 boxes of Ziploc freezer bags, 2 cans Cream of Chicken soup, one can of pineapple, 3 packs of Orbit gum, 2 bottles of Ajax dish soap, and one tube of Sensodyne toothpaste. It was awesome!


Nancy Mc said...

That is AWESOME!!! Ron would be proud. Don't you just love to save $$ on those things that you need, or just want(I'm thinking you might not really NEED the gum.)

The Johnson Fam said...

I have been attempting to do some stinging of my own but there are no Huggies at Walgreens within a 50mile radius! I guess thats what I get for living in the baby making capital of the world! I am even tracking shipments for stores...all for something that gets used once and thrown away.

Christi said...

That diaper sale at Wal-green's was awesome!! Glad that you did some stinging!

Alifinale said...

That is impressive. I just got the diapers. Teach me your ways!

Kara said...

Emily and I got diapers too yesterday! I want to go back for more, I hope they restocked!